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Item Not Arrived (Lost in Transit)

Can’t Find Your Package?

Missing packages can be stressful, but not to worry! Most items turn up for our customers within few days. Here are some things to try:

1) Check that your shipping address is correct.

Let’s make sure we shipped to the right place. Current shipping addresses are listed under “Deliver To:” on the Orders page.

2) Check around your home or building, or with neighbors.

Boxes may have been left at backdoors, hidden behind bushes, or at the address next door.

If your package was delivered by FedEx, there might be a Picture Proof of Delivery on the FedEx website.

3) Check your mailbox or anywhere else you receive mail.

Carriers deliver differently, especially if the package is small enough to fit inside your mailbox.

4) Check for a notice of attempted delivery.

This notice will tell you the steps you should take to receive your package.

Contact the Carrier

  • Use your tracking number to start a claim with the carrier (FedEx, UPS, etc.).
  • To contact FedEx, call 1-800-463-3339.

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